Friday 26 February 2016

Trinity Mirror regionals boost web traffic by nearly a quarter

Liverpool Echo: we traffic rose by 31.5% to a daily average of 555,676 in the second half of last year

The article explains Trinity Mirror’s network of regional newspapers saw a 24% surge in daily browser numbers to 2.4 million, as users flocked to flagship sites such as the Liverpool Echo, Wales Online and Manchester Evening New. Liverpool Echo soared by more than 30% and Manchester Evening News and Wales Online gained more than 20% in the second half of 2015. This artickle is explaining that the website went up in the year. This would be showing the benefit of getting this newspaper company online so that the local area can use it. This was in the last 6 months that it was boosting up and came with the statement of saying “Focus on digital became further embedded in our regional newsrooms in 2015,” said David Higgerson, digital publishing director at Trinity Mirror Regionals. “Our journalists live by analytics, identifying what readers want to read and working hard to keep them coming back by producing content that drive a locally engaged audience. Examples of this include the audience spikes during the Manchester gangland disputes, Hillsborough inquest in Liverpool and wild weather across the north in December.” They feel encouraged by the boost and hope to make more progress.

1. There were strong boosts in web traffic for the Manchester Evening News, which increased its daily browser numbers by 25% to 693,315; the Liverpool Echo, up by 31.5% to 555,676; Wales Online, which rose by 26.2% to 327,000; and the Birmingham Mail, which increased by 17% to 230,651.

2. Johnston Press, the owner of titles including the Yorkshire Post and the Scotsman, saw regional website traffic rise by 7% to 1.04 million average daily browsers in the period.

3. Local World, which was acquired by Trinity Mirror last year, increased daily browsers across its website network by 2.7% to 1,262,144.

In my opinion i believe this is good because it gives the information to the audience and it is also for a big part out of London which people would want to check online as for example this is a problem for people as to not having any local news in area big as Manchester and Liverpool. This is a good boost and hopefully it will rise and maybe the newspaper industry for this will go down as to people mostly using technology.

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