Sunday 21 February 2016

The Intercept admits reporter fabricated stories and quotes

Juan Thompson

Digital magazine The Intercept has fired reporter Juan Thompson after discovering “a pattern of deception” in his reporting. In a note to readers, editor-in-chief Betsy Reed revealed that Thompson had fabricated quotes in several stories and created email accounts in order to impersonate people. This article is about Juan Thompson who bent the truth and made mistakes with several stories and also acted as other people.

1.  “Thompson admitted to creating fake email accounts and fabricating messages, but stood by his published work. He did not cooperate in the review,” Reed wrote.

2.  This article has was updated on 2 February 2016 to include new information from WBEZ contradicting a statement on The Intercept website that Thompson had been a reporter there.

3. Thompson has recently tweeted about being diagnosed with testicular cancer.

I believe that this has to be checked on before hand and if this is more than once should go through the reporters work and see if has down this before. The deception would mess with audience ideology in the future of why we dont trust new digital media and this would be a big example this and in my opinion  is good that he got fired and that they should look more into his work and edit it truthfully.

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