Thursday 21 April 2016

Google claims YouTube ads are more effective than TV

Google’s Matt Brittin claimed that in 80% of cases YouTube ads were far more effective than TV ads in driving sales.

Google has attacked the effectiveness of TV ads and called on advertisers to massively increase the amount they spend on YouTube. Matt Brittin, Google’s top-ranking European executive, is set to unveil a report analysing ad campaigns across eight countries that show in 80% of cases YouTube ads were far more effective than TV ads in driving sales.Google’s analysis of 56 case studies, carried out by a range of research partners, suggests advertisers should be allocating up to six times more of their budget to YouTube than they currently do. he report, set to be unveiled at the Advertising Week Europe festival in a session on Wednesday titled “The (Entertainment) Revolution will not be Televised”, immediately sparked a scathing response from the TV industry.

1. The research also claimed YouTube accounts for just 1.4% of the time that demographic spends actually viewing video advertising.

2. Thinkbox said that if brands did increase their spend on YouTube significantly, it would backfire. This is because it claims the bulk of viewing on the site is by a relatively small audience, and that YouTube is mostly lower-value user-generated content and not the top-quality drama and entertainment programmes advertisers want to associate with.

3. Thinkbox pointed out that comments from advertisers featured in Google’s latest report do not actually say they believe in cutting TV budgets in favour of YouTube. Clients quoted from Mars and Danone both point to YouTube being a key part of an overall strategy to complement TV spend. “Online video should increase but this should be funded by using money from less effective ad budgets, such as online display, or finding new money,” said Hill. “What this study really shows … is that online video is a better advertising investment than other forms of online advertising. Advertisers involved in Google’s research make it clear they see online video not as a replacement for TV, but as an addition and a complement.”

I believe that adverts are taking over the industry as to you tube always using adverts to make sales and digital media being mostly used than TV now. There is also sponsors that youtube get that make them even more money for driving sales. Adverts are being used many times and the only way would get rid of them is the skip button or it would be the adblocker on websites. This is a big issue because people sometimes dont like seeing them.

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