Sunday, 10 April 2016

Daily Mail goes nuclear over Barack Obama 'peace sign'

Barack Obama: two fingers to accuracy from the Daily Mail.

In this article  Daily Mail website drew attention to the leader of the free world leading the free (and not so free) world at a Washington summit on nuclear security.  Obama gave a peace sign, as the Mail’s triple decker headline put it: “Peace out, fools! Obama plays the clown by flashing the peace sign for nuclear security summit ‘team photo’... and gets a very unimpressed look from David Cameron and bemused world leaders.”

1. It was also repeated in print: “He’s doing what? As other leaders faced the camera in Washington yesterday, David Cameron seemed unimpressed by what the president was up to. Looking sideways, the PM glared at Barack Obama as he made a peace sign with his hand.”

2. The Independent went for the more restrained: “Obama flashes peace sign during world leaders photoshoot at nuclear security summit.”

3. Except, of course, he didn’t. As helpfully shown in the video embedded below the Mail story, Obama was in fact indicating with his fingers (and saying audibly) that: “We’ve got two more folks we’re waiting on.” He may be hip, but he’s also polite and organised enough to make sure everyone gets in on the photo op.

This should not be a big story because it is just a picture and i believe this is just for a moral impact that the president is not formal or show respect and it doesnt make him look like a clown. It is just a picture and Obama being himself as to what his supporter think of him as this good hearted president wanting to help.

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