Thursday, 28 April 2016

New and digital media offers media institutions different ways of reaching audiences. Consider how and why media institutions are using these techniques (48 marks)

New and digital media offers media institutions different ways of reaching audiences.          Consider how and why media institutions are using these techniques (48 marks)

New and digital media have changed the media landscape between institutions and audiences. This would be explaining in my independent case study of Paramount picture how they have not got the symbiotic relationship they used to have. For example, audience used to go to the cinema to watch movies produced and disturbed by paramount pictures where we would get new trailers and clips from future movies having a powerful and strong symbiotic relationship. However, it has made a symbiotic relationship between audience and digital media stronger than the institutions. This would be the fact about digital media bringing the attention of audiences as to piracy has risen since the advancement of technology and the internet. Piracy has been a big problem to industries as to the Huffington Post has said that each person would own $67 million in fines. This would be because of the thousands of downloaded music and films which would mean million lost to the industries and artist who lose out. This would be evidence that the symbiotic relationship of audience between industry has decreased and we live in a world where the Huffington post says ‘Each person’ suggesting all of us have illegally downloaded.

Digital media has offered media institutions to grow and reach their audience as to changing the way they used to do it. For example, the newspaper industry is declining it’s an obvious fact as to audiences mostly uses digital devices and for the stats of the Sun where they had over 3 million readers going to half in 2013/14. This would show that some institutions have given their idea to switch to digital media. This would be a big step as to a newspaper industry going out of their traditional platforms and going into the world of media news. The Independent has fully gone to the online world where news is free as to having accessibility to the internet and all the content would want. As to audience and digital media is a strong relationship we also get the use of user generated content which reaches other audiences as they can see it’s from a realistic source as to the way it looks or that it’s from somebody who doesn’t work in the industry. User generated has been big as to Eric Garner Black lives matter campaign and how it was a big story for audiences and created a big impact where the user generated content that industries took reached the audience. However, user generated content can’t be all trusted as to audience mostly use twitter there has been countless times where celebrities have been said dead on Twitter which they really haven’t and it cannot be fully trusted. Twitter is what most of the newspaper industries use as to bring the Twitter users to their news website for information and give stories which would intrigue them. For example, you have 140 characters for Twitter which is limited and this would mean news industries can reach audience by giving a title and a link to intrigue them.

Industries have used different ways to bring audience to their attention again by using digital media as to The Times and the Sun having the pay wall. This was a way for audience to pay for the news they wanted as to being quality and pure information however, this was not reaching the audiences as to digital media giving free news content and many articles going against this as to David Simon the creator for The Wire wrote about how the paywalls would be a great idea and bring fairness to the digital media but the problem of this would be all the free news content that people get where the quality goes down. Another example of this would be cuts in jobs as to the journalists would get more work and have to work on different stories where they would have to rush and lead to the quality not being amazing than it used to be. Industries overall I believe are making their money by web advertisement as to promoting different products and bringing users like that however, this would not make the profit they need for the industry as to the free content that is online already. David Simon gives reasons that digital media news quality is questionable because it is free and if it is what would be the point of journalist if there is people who do stories like journalist and have a high quality standard. This would be the way of reaching audiences is by giving free content as to everyone wanting information in the cheapest way as to no body wanting to pay for it as to the change of putting pay wall would make audiences not want to respond as to being used to having that free content.

News industries would use the idea of apps as to reaching the audience and having all their information and stories to the subscribers as to giving the audience theory uses and gratification by Blumer and Katz. For example, it would be the surveillance category as to having alert on for that app so if any big stories come up then it would pop up onto the phone. This would be using the technique of technological convergence of news industries bringing more of their content to the digital world. This would reach to the audiences because it is giving them their own big newspaper resource as to not needing to go Google as to just needing to press the app and gets what they want. This would mean that David Simon encouragement of paywalls and quality would come in hand as to industries using innovative ideas to reach their audiences as to different audiences have their own newspaper they would want to just look at. This would go with Gultang and Ruge theory of news values as to immediacy making news come quicker. For example, on Twitter they there was speculation that Prince was dead and was waiting for the confirmation to happen so news industries could send their stories.

Industries have converged to digital media because younger audiences are what they’re trying to get in the future this would be having online sites like the Guardian and reach out to celebrity talks or the next tech coming out in the future. This would be having trust on the news brand as to always going to them for their sources. They would do this by giving stories that they wouldn’t usually do as to celebrity juice or by giving news that you would not expect from them. However, with this news you feel like there is hyper reality because it is aiming for a younger audience but the quality is showing to go low. For example, the censorship on the refuge crisis was explicit for viewers yet it gives the question if it was too show that we are getting more realism in stories or if there is any care into what we see that they are trying to get a reaction from the audience.

On the other hand, a Pluralistic view would be that industries want to give stories that the audience would want and give the power to the audience as to what they believe and what they would want in the future. I believe that the pluralistic view would be it is competition to give what the audience want and try to get a reaction so that it can be read and that the audience now have the power which makes the institution be able to reach them. They would do this by giving user generated content and give realms to their subscribers. Would give the fact of taking the pay wall out which would benefit most audience reaching them even more. However, this would be taken by a Marxist view do not have the power and reach the audience just by showing that digital media have all this power. For example, the 2015 elections showed this as to the media heavily supporting Labour party and yet Conservatives won still and they didn’t have any big media spotlight just newspapers like The Times and The Sun which gives the point of view that institutions just want to give the overall look that audiences are in control which are really not true as to the election being the biggest surprise which reached a lot of audiences.