Sunday, 1 November 2015

NDM: News values

Galtung and Ruge (1981) defined a set of news values to explain how journalists and editors decided that certain stories and photographs were accepted as newsworthy, while others were not. 

The following list is adapted from their work:

Immediacy: has it happened recently?
Familiarity: is it culturally close to us in Britain?
Amplitude: is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
Frequency: does the event happen fairly regularly?
Unambiguity: is it clear and definite?
Predictability: did we expect it to happen?
Surprise: is it a rare or unexpected event?
Continuity: has this story already been defined as news?
Elite nations and people: which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people?
Negativity: is it bad news?
Balance: the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.


How has new and digital media technology changed Galtung and Ruge’s news values?

How would you update them for 2015?

Immediacy: With technology devices advancing over time, we have changed audiences and news life style as to making news available in many different platforms. This would be on social media or even apps, we can look at news on websites looking for information we want. With this information it comes with different audience interests as to you want sport news you can get that nothing gets missed out.

Familiarity: Audiences have a whole worldwide and mulch-cultural news on the internet. We can look into news whatever we are interested in fashion, sports and music. This is shown in different countries and ways as to being delivered from different countries giving use sources we want and then putting them on social media. News gives a selection where the audience can pick what they want as to not needing to go through the parts they dont find interesting and they can look for there specific parts that relate to them.

 Amplitude: From News being on the internet and online to access, million of people can read them and get the sources they want. The million of people get these sources from either User Generated Content as to whatever they want. Big events would be connected to all people online as to big stories that they find out and it would be come a thread on twitter to facebook groups and it would show the hugeness of a audience.

 Frequency: Updates are always given now if you go on Google and go to what you want to know it updates every time you refresh this would mean by giving different sources and waht they say. This would also work with updates on transport as people use their digital devices to know when the next train or bus is coming it would keep on task if any road have been closed.

 Unambiguity: With news being very good and a big source of information, it can be wrong it can have the wrong details. With how much news there is there can always be mistakes and lies. With journalists it can be right but because we evolved to look at news online some people do blogs or just write a statement on twitter it would go as a thread and people would thing that its true like celebrities who have been said that they passed which they havent

 Predictability: News can be predictable because they want a impact in news and we do get the regular news as to someone being arrested or doing something illegal. People are predicted to make a big moral panic of this.

 Surprise: News can be impact by a headline and can be a surprise to people with the right images. Example of this would be audience as to how they create threads and they communicate with other people on there opinions on what they think. There is shown a surprise by people as to the comments and sharing the stories online. However it shows that digital media gives more of a impact on this.

 Continuity: Online news is continued as to the updates happening the audience wanting to know more about whats happening so this would mean that they attracted to this and just leaves news to be wanted more. Example of this would be treading and sharing on twitter and facebook people do that because they want other people to know and get interested therefore making a continuity of people knowing more.

 Elite nations and people: From newspapers they have changed too maybe not having big nation impact to writing about celebrities or sports and its because of what people are interested in. Online newspapers now talk about celebrities like there divorces or something that has upset fans because they want a impact and a story to tell which will get people gripped.

Negativity: In my opinion there will always be bad news at some point because not everyday there is drama. Newspapers or digital news will find anything and this will be the same of celebrities as to finding something dark about them or just making a big headline so they can get there readers. They dont have great news because of the value to as for example they could have good story but bad layout of it and thats because its either online or someone whos not journalist and had experience did it.

Balance: There is need for balance as to showing the good and bad of stories and showing stories like for example good one would be giving information of a accident happening and that it was no one fault as it just happen., However a bad story would be blaming someone who didn't do anything and then making a big deal of it. They dont want to carry out anything in a negative way because they would be making a inncent man look bad if they dont have the facts.


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