Thursday 10 March 2016

BBC News most trusted source for more than half of people in the UK

BBC News, which more than half of people in the UK regard as the most trustworthy source.

In this article it addresses the YouGov survey commissioned by 38 Degrees shows 53% rank the BBC as their most-trusted news source and do not trust the government with its future. this article focuses on More than half of people in the UK regard the BBC as their most trusted source of news, according to a survey commissioned by campaign group 38 Degrees.The results of the poll, published on Thursday, also suggested more than half of people did not trust the government with the future of the BBC. This article would be giving the most trusted source is BBC as to getting more than half of the people in UK it is a free new source and this could be the reason of this.

1. A total of 1,731 people took part in the online survey between 24 and 25 February.

2. More than 177,000 38 Degrees members made individual submissions to the government’s charter review public consultation.

3. The BBC also ranked top when given a selection of non-broadcast sources of news. Half of respondents ranked it first as a trusted source of balanced and unbiased reporting, ahead of family members (18%), national broadsheet newspapers (11%), social media (5%) and national tabloids (2%).

From this article i can see why BBC news is a trusted source. this would be because its a free and a public service broadcaster to all. They give detailed stories to what people would information. This would be that the BBC news are trusted by the people because they do not trust the government and there reasons was that they didn't know. The article is true because out of all true news BBC does this and doesn't have a pay-wall at the start as to newspaper industries. I think that BBC is a trusted source and its the oldest news station which is globally helped us with weather and news update around the world.

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