Sunday 6 March 2016

Adblocking: what are your reasons for blocking ads online?

Adblock screenshot

Web users turn to adblockers to speed up page load times, but the software is criticised for robbing publishers of vital revenue. Earlier this week culture secretary John Whittingdale described adblocking as a “protection racket” and a real danger to areas of the media who rely on advertising. The counter argument is that publishers and newspapers have created this problem themselves by trying to maximise profit from digital visitors with increasingly obnoxious ad formats and more intrusive ways of tracking who has seen them. This article gives the in sight that it does create moeny still for the adblock and would be still an issue.

1. 22% of the UK’s internet users have an adblocker installed.

2. Figure rises to almost half for 18- to 24-year-olds.

3. We’d like to hear from people who regularly use adblockers. What are your main reasons for blocking online advertising with this software? Have publishers gone too far with digital ads? What other methods to build online audiences and revenue do you think would be more productive? Or do you agree with John Whittingdale that “if people don’t pay in some way for content, then that content will eventually no longer exist”? This would be a questionnaire that are doing which can be answered.

Its good to be asking the views of this as to is it a problem if money is being put into this. Its still giving the affect of not getting ads randomly popping up. I believe the page speeding up and yes it is taking the money but it still a positive for the consumers because we are getting what wanted. Its protection as to not wanting adverts from coming over and over. overall i believe it is good and i believing this article is good for asking for opinions.

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