On your blog, write a paragraph summarising the argument the article makes. Then answer the following question:
Do you agree with its view that it is ‘a cause for concern, but not for panic’?
Who killed the newspaper?
This is about Newspapers going in decline as to being beaten by the web. This is about how Newspapers are going to fall around 2043 in America. It is also said that Rupert Murdoch said that newspaper industry was river of gold and now he says that rivers dry up. This is about how the media is seductive and has control of the information that people have. This would be also be represented that at the start newspapers are big and were the bold information people got as journalists and now we look at any story to attract younger generations as newspaper industry is dying. The main role of this article is that newspapers are going down in society and people are not going use them in the future as media on internet are killing it and going to a point where people will give up on newspapers.
I agree on the view that people use any digital device and they get information they want just by searching. Newspapers are hitting at a point where they wont be bought around shops because of how big digital devices are. The main point is that it is a cause of concern for newspapers as they only would be making money by advertisement and when Rupert Murdoch says newspapers are river of gold then takes it back to Rivers dry up that's when you know that its going down. But you don't need panic because we get the same information and news by our phones even though its the same to what we use to have we can now see things visually with watching video's of news or we can go back to old fashion reading which is written by journalist of information they have.
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