Sunday, 20 September 2015

New and Digital Media: News case study

The Sun
    • The Sun Newspaper is owned by Rupert Murdoch
    • CEO of the Sun Newspaper Mike Darcy 
    • The Sun was founded in 1964
    • Rupert Murdoch also owns News Corp
    • 13.6 million read the sun
    • 2.8 million social media footprint 
  • Public service broadcaster
  • John Reith
  • Founded in 1922
  • Many different platforms e.g BBC1 radio, BBC 2 and BBC Bitesize
  • Has BBC Iplayer which allows you check Show's you have missed
  • CEO of BBC Tim Daviend

Sky News
  • Founder of Sky news is Rupert Murdoch
  • Made in 1989
  • 24 hour
  • With the whole of sky
  • Popular with sports
  • Can stream

    Daily Mail
  • Made in 1896
  • With social networks
  • Multi platformed 
  • Owned by Jonathan Harmsworth
  • Conservative
  • Owners are daily mail and the general trust

  • Free
  • Founded in 1999
  • Owned by DMG media 
  • In its first 5 years got over 1 million readers
  • HQ Kensington
  • Hand outs

    The impact of Google

    Read this article looking at the impact Google has had on the traditional newspaper business.

    Answer the following questions:

    1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
    It would be because of the point that you can search anything on Google and it gives you the information. This would mean the decline in the newspaper industry because stories and what people can look for are in the internet. The reason of this would be because we are journalist as long as we have a phone and internet we can say anything we want on the internet.
  • 2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
    I personally think that Google has changed the industry of newspapers and print as people don't buy them as they got digital devices. But you do have users who still use tradition media as print and yes I do believe that journalists lost there jobs to the internet because we are journalists now we observe and give out opinion on what we see. I think Google shouldn't be the one to blame as they're other sources like yes you can search on Google but they're websites, blogs and even youtube a more visual way to get news.
  • 3) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and justify your opinions in detail.

    Google sold us a bill of goods, like any other corporate blood suckers.

    This comment is interesting because I could agree with it its a blood sucking industry with what's it developed such as Google play, Gmail and Google maps which lots of people use. Google has taken many jobs away because of what it does as technology has evolved. I agree with this because its true they make content for people so they can get their money to grow again in other ideas.

    However I would disagree with this comment as for example Google has gone with times as technology is what we use for everything we could blame that its technology not search engines. Another reason would be that if Google wasn't even made it would be a different company and it would be the same deal and it would just go in a cycle. And they're right good give the content but always a price like with Google play you have to pay for the goods.

    In my opinion i believe that Google is a bill of goods and just want take all money. I agree with this comment as Google is like any other company just want get money but my main thing is that they do take jobs and its not their fault entirely its that society have all become own journalists.

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