Monday, 6 July 2015

One minute video assessment

From looking at the video I learnt that this is a level 3 video as it gives creativity in using my mobile phone to create this. The video does have problems as to not being fully developed correctly as for the video being way back making a problem. The good side of this would be the fact I give information about the internet and things like digital ethnography. The good side about putting this in the video is that people will remember it. The technology is used through as Im using it on my mobile phone using a app called screencast which records everything I do.What went well with the video is the great understanding given and also the reason of the internet as to when it start to how we communicate. The even better if would be the cuts as they are not great as it cuts when I talk and it also was long so I would want it shorter as to that what my feed mack was. Also its important to be smooth how ever audio kept the video standing.

WWW: good audio used and very good information

EBI: If was shorter and also gave more good finish

Aesthetics level 2

Creativity  level 3

Technology level 3

Understanding level 3

Production values level 3

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